As voters, this is our party
Aspirant List: Karnataka Legislative Assembly By-election 2024
Aspirant Name: | Abhishek s |
Phone Number: | 7795973345 |
Email Id: | [email protected] |
Facebook Profile: | https://www.facebook.com/share/WiRiYK3nESmbhBBt/ |
Constituency: | Karnataka Legislative Assembly By-election 2024, 185. Channapatna, |
If you have any feedback about this aspirant, kindly click here to inform us. | |
Note: This person has only applied in the Uttama Prajaakeeya Party website and has not been selected as a candidate. Once the aspirant receives the B form from the Uttama Prajaakeeya Party, then only he will be officially considered as a candidate. |
Aspirant Name: | Sachinkumar karjekannavar |
Phone Number: | 9591493978 |
Email Id: | [email protected] |
Facebook Profile: | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089266188613&mibextid=ZbWKwL |
Constituency: | Karnataka Legislative Assembly By-election 2024, 83. Shiggaon, |
If you have any feedback about this aspirant, kindly click here to inform us. | |
Note: This person has only applied in the Uttama Prajaakeeya Party website and has not been selected as a candidate. Once the aspirant receives the B form from the Uttama Prajaakeeya Party, then only he will be officially considered as a candidate. |